Monthly Archives: July 2016

A Bit of Astoria’s Past to Be Preserved: Owner of Deals Store Agrees to Preserve Historic Terra Cotta Decorations

Thank you to Morris Dweck, owner of the Deals store in Astoria, Queens.  After many residents (including me) protested the potential destruction of the beautiful and historic terra cotta decorations on his storefront, he is taking steps to preserve them.  I’m very happy about this, as I’ve seen and loved these whimsical decorations all my life and believe they add some much-needed character to the neighborhood.  Here’s an excerpt from his letter, and some drawings of how the building will look.

At long last, attached, please find the rendering for project at 3601 Broadway in Astoria.  These renderings may be published and redistributed as you wish.

As you will see, all the architectural detail is being preserved.  Additionally, I am proud to announce that we will be installing same limestone above the current DII Store at 3611 Broadway so that the façade appears unified.

Our contractors have been given these drawings, and every effort will be made to fulfill this depiction as shown.

I would like to thank our architect Mr Walter Marin and his team for working hard and fast to prepare these drawings. I would also like to acknowledge the building owner for her cooperation and her guidance in satisfying the requests of the neighborhood.

As stated previously, we at DII Stores are committed to the local Community and residents of Astoria and aspire to meet their wishes to preserve its history and culture. We are confident that our investment of time and money will be rewarded with increased patronage and continued loyalty. DII has been part of the Astoria Community for over 35 years, and we look forward to serving Astoria for generations to come.

— Morris Dweck

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