Category Archives: selling art

Selling My Photographs on

I put some of my photographs up for sale on I don’t expect to make much (or any) money off of it, but I want to be able to share my photos with others who might appreciate them – and if I can make a few bucks, so much the better. I’ve uploaded what I think are my best shots from Asia, Europe, and America. You can find my profile here.

My profile on

My profile on

I chose fineartamerica because it’s free to list your art, as long as you keep it under 25 pieces. More than that and you have to pay. You can set how much money you want to make off of each sale (in my case a few bucks), the company charges their fee for production/ printing/ framing/ shipping/ etc., and the total of that is what the customer sees. Easy!

What are your experiences with selling your photographs?


Filed under America, art, Asia, Europe, photography, selling art, travel