Monthly Archives: December 2013

A Review of The Facebook TripAdvisor App

Warning: This app may give you a serious case of wanderlust.

So, I’ve been playing around with Facebook’s TripAdvisor app, since the Where I’ve Been app has been so unceremoniously discontinued.  (You can see a picture of the old app on my About page.) On the whole I like the new app.

I can see all the cities where I’ve been/ want to go:

1213 TripAdvisor app1

I can select only the cities where I’ve been:

1213 TripAdvisor app2 Been

Or only the cities where I want to go:

1213 TripAdvisor app3 Want

And my favorite cities.  Funnily enough, they’re all in the same corner of the world:

1213 TripAdvisor app4 Fave

Whereas the old app (Where I’ve Been) filled in the entire country if you’ve visited it, this map just pins specific cities.  This is good and bad.  It gives you a new perspective on your travels.  Before, I was more focused on going to new countries just so I could fill in more of my map.  Now I realize that I primarily want to see more cities in countries where I’ve already been — England, France, Italy, Spain, etc.  This app has severely increased my wanderlust!  It’s also forced me to think about all the cities and towns I’ve ever visited, which has been a nice trip down memory lane.

One thing I don’t like about these apps is that they tend to turn traveling into a game or competition. I can see where all my friends have been, and my first impulse is to see whether I’ve “beaten” their country count.

I also found a bug in the app.  It’s saying I’ve been to a place called Bangko, Indonesia – which I never was – and I can’t get it off my map!  It’s been bugging me, since it’s throwing my city and country count off.  Anyone know how to fix this?

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Filed under Europe, travel

The Cats of Istanbul: Haikus

In old Istanbul
At every alley and door
A cat lies waiting

From Hagia Sophia
To the ancient Grand Bazaar
Yellow eyes peer out

Cats of Istanbul
I long to carry you home
But customs says no


Filed under cats, humor, Istanbul, photography, travel, Turkey